Germanic Genealogy Society


Last Updated: June 2024
GGS is a 100% volunteer organization. We are grateful to have many volunteers that keep GGS running. From the president down to the one-time event helper, this organization would not exist if it weren’t for our volunteers. Volunteering is a great way to get involved and interact with other GGS members.


  • Join one of our committees - all are welcome!
  • Help at a conference, workshop, or meeting
  • Answer research requests
  • Write an article for our Germanic Genealogy Journal

Open Positions

Regional Researchers

GGS needs Regional Resource Contacts for several areas of Germany. These Contacts respond to phone and email requests for information from GGS Members. Their names, phone numbers and/or email addresses are published in the Germanic Genealogy Journal. At the moment, we need Regional Resource Contacts for these regions:
  • Bavaria [Bayern]
  • Berlin
  • Bohemia
  • Brandenburg
  • Hesse [Hessen]
  • Saxony [Sachsen]
  • Thuringia [Thüringen]
  • West Prussia
Any suggestions or additions to our other regions are always welcomed.

Volunteer Today

We're always looking for people to volunteer locally in Minnesota and around the globe. Contact us at and tell us what your skills are, what you like to do, or you can simply say you want to volunteer and we'll figure out how you can help!